Friday 26 June 2015

Illustrations for Exquisite Terror - Hannibal in Transit

January 2015

Aaaand we're back to The Silence of the Lambs, which seems to be my go-to illustration topic for Exquisite Terror. Believe me - I'm not complaining. As I may have explained in previous posts, that film means a lot to me, on several levels.

In truth, this drawing isn't great. COMPLAINTS: Lecter's face and most of his body/clothing details are fine, but the police officers aren't too well executed and I really want to bulk out the one on the right - he looks flat and insubstantial. The overall composition feels a little off and I wish I had come up with something a bit moodier for the background.

The restrictions inherent in trying to produce an "original" artwork of a well-known film, translating landscape orientation to portrait and finding enough screenshots of sufficient quality to cobble together the necessary details from which to work... well, first world problems, right? But still a challenge in some cases. Lecter on his own seemed sad, and kind of lacked... power, I suppose. But done sparingly, centrally and staring with wild eyes, flanked by two faceless police officers whose dark outfits made him stand out more - it kind of worked better. It's still not terrific though, and I'm toying with ways it could be improved before the final version goes to print. I hope I can manage it in time, but even if I don't, it's another drawing that taught me a lot about aspects I always either did instinctively without proper attention to detail or just wasn't aware of. Next time, then: even better.

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